0. Top - index
1. Jaipur & area (61 pics)
2. Chittaurgarh (71 pics)
3. Udaipur (28 pics)
4. Delhi/TajMahal (31 pics)
5. Bombay (13 pics)
6. Goa's beaches (27 pics)
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Every region has its own index. There are ~230 pictures in total.
More Info
Questions/comments, you can email
me to let me know about your trip to India.
My personal homepage is www.redbeet.com!
about the pictures
There are ~230 pictures here, all taken on an Olympus 3030Z
(3.34 megapixel) in sizes that range from 2048x1536 down to 1024x768.
All have been scaled down for this web page.
I have found that the originals can be printed in up to 8x10" or
larger without degredation of quality (very cool).
If you would like to get the full-size photo, email me the photo# and
I'll send it to you. Cheers,
My first trip to India (in fall 2000) was quite an incredible experience, almost
overwhelming in every way that you can imagine: sights, sounds, smells and even
emotions that run wild when everything around you is so different from what you're
used to. I spent a short three weeks touring mostly through Rajasthan. I met up with
my brother (Robin) and sister-in-law (Priti) in Delhi and we headed straight for
Jaipur, stayed there four or five days, and then went to Ajmer/Pushkar, Udaipur, and
Chittaurgarh. From there we went back to Delhi and off to the Taj Mahal, and then
took an overnight train (the excellent and even luxurious Raj express) to Mumbai,
which we used as our gateway to Goa. We stayed with relatives nearly everywhere
we went -- who, I must say, were the nicest and most hospitable hosts I have ever
met. Great thanks go out to Priti's relatives (who now treat me like family as well)
in Delhi, Jaipur, and Chittaurgarh for putting us up and going completely out of
their way to show us around.
It was a fast-paced trip, something that isn't always easy to do in India, but it did
give me enough of a taste of what culture and life is like there to want to know more. I went back two years later, and stayed six months! I took many pics in
2001 & 2002 as well, check them out here.
Jaipur & Ajmer/Pushkar (Rajasthan)
31 pictures.
Jaipur was quite an interesting city, filled with much color, culture, and, unfortunately, air pollution. We spent about five days there and then headed off to Ajmer (and Pushkar) and were invited to a traditional Indian wedding, which became one of the real highlights of the trip.
Chittaurgarh (Rajasthan)
71 pictures.
A smaller city (by Indian standards) that's home to friendly relatives whom we stayed with, as well as a the Great Fort of Chittaurgarh which you could spend an entire week exploring.
Udaipur (Rajasthan)
28 pictures.
They say it's the most romantic city in India. I saw a camel exhale cigarette smoke (!) and a beautiful palace and had
the single best meal of our trip at a little restaurant (seemingly) in the middle of nowhere.
New Delhi & the Taj Mahal (in Agra)
31 pictures.
Delhi is extremely busy and conjested and the touts and con-men are everywhere, but we had cool relatives to stay with. And of course no visit to India is complete without seeing the Taj Mahal.
Mumbai (Bombay)
13 pictures.
Bombay was also extremely busy and conjested, much like Delhi, but it had a more progressive feel to it. Of course it's home to Bollywood and more Westernized styles of dress, and overall it was cool though quite touristy in the Colaba region. We didn't stay long as it was just a gateway to Goa for us.
Baga beach (Goa)
27 pictures.
Ahh... the fantastic beaches of Goa. It's like paradise on $8 a day, all-inclusive. The pic of my feet says it all. We were there before the real busy season so it was not crowded (or expensive) at all. The Wednesday market in Anjuna was so interesting, yet never in my life have I had to so "no!" so many times. Laying on the beach is a great way to end your travels...
I hope you enjoy these pictures. I went back to India in November 2001 and planned
to stay 3 or 4 months. I stayed my entire visa, 6 months, left for Asia to travel
around, and then returned to India again for another two months. I couldn't get
enough of it. Plus I took many more pictures! Check out the newer photo gallery of India I created for the 1000+ photos I took
during my trip, totalling about 8 months.
I wish I had put comments by each picture here when I first created this website, so
as to give you a better idea of what you're looking at. Now I have forgotten many of
the details, unfortunately. The gallery for my second and third trips do have
comments, but I still like the spirit of these pictures best.