0. Top - index
1. Jaipur & area (61 pics)
2. Chittaurgarh (71 pics)
3. Udaipur (28 pics)
4. Delhi/TajMahal (31 pics)
5. Bombay (13 pics)
6. Goa's beaches (27 pics)
Site Navigation:
Use the drop-down menu or the links above.
Every region has its own index. There are ~230 pictures in total.
More Info
Questions/comments, you can email
me to let me know about your trip to India.
My personal homepage is www.redbeet.com!
about the pictures
There are ~230 pictures here, all taken on an Olympus 3030Z
(3.34 megapixel) in sizes that range from 2048x1536 down to 1024x768.
All have been scaled down for this web page.
I have found that the originals can be printed in up to 8x10" or
larger without degredation of quality (very cool).
If you would like to get the full-size photo, email me the photo# and
I'll send it to you. Cheers,