Page 3. Okay, this is the Sunshine Girl page. So, let's start out with a FULL SPREAD of the girliest sunshire girl ever: the author,
in all his, err, her glorious detail. hehe I just had to throw this picture in here somewhere. It's one of very few self-portraits,
taken while I was in my rental car on the only day I went into town for breakfast (and to see that I didn't look completely like a
hobo to boot. :) I was completely and totally sunburned, nearly to a crisp. My legs were in pain for days. Specifically, my inside thighs
were in great pain, which might seem girly enough to you until you consider that I sat cross-legged for most of the performances and
this is why.
These pictures are of the sky as the night approached, and a fierce-looking storm approached (but passed by us without a blip).
It was cool. For some reason I just sort of stood around for a while and looked at the clouds, and a middle-aged hippie woman walked
next to me and we chatted about the colours for a little while. It felt like I was high or something. :) hehe But the reality was
she was just like everyone else there, trying to appreciate as much about our surroundings as we possibly can...
I thought that at this point I would give you an indication of how many people attend these workshop thingys. Really, there are maybe
five or six stages in total, spread around the festival with the idea that some people will go to one and others will go to another.
For the most part I think that happened, but as I am most partial to the singer-songwriters that tended to appear on Stage 2, well
I though I'd take a picture of my surroundings. And what surroundings they were! We were all baking like chicken feet out there in
the sun, and enjoying beautiful music all the while.
During the main stage act of the Nields, David Nields (lead guitar) started getting a little crazy, and after rolling around on the
stage floor for a little while he ran all across the stage, exited to the right, past the back-stage audience, though the large
crowd of dancers, out into the massive audience, and then just sort of jumped around in a pool of mud, playing his guitar all the
while. The only open place for him to stand in the crowd was where it was truly all muddy (an nobody wanted to sit), so he jumped
around for a while and them ran back to the stage. Take a look at this pic - can you see him? This is like a Where's Waldo pic, to
be sure.
These are a few pictures that I had almost forgotten, of Hawksley Workman and Ellen Thorn and Karen Savoca... who I thought had a
neat voice and played the congas pretty well, until I heard her play this song about her kid which really grated on my nerves. She
kept sining, "Dah-dah-dah-dah-dah" just like a little baby would do and all I could think of was the fact that it was funny the
first time, but certainly not the sixth and seventh time. Ugh.
But as with all good things, eventually they must come to an end. This is a picture of my last, lonely walk back to my tent, when
everyone had pretty much packed up all their stuff and were perparing to leave. The camping out there was great fun, especially at
night when all the strange and interesting things started happening... I have a few pictures of "the hill" which I experienced in'
its entirety, though surely it won't make sense to you until you hear the rest of the story.
And of course, it seems only fitting that I end these pages with the very last picture that I took, one at night after just a wee bit
of frustration from not being able to take a proper night-time picture, without a tripod I mean. I kept slowing the shutter speed until
I had it left open for about a second or so... and only blurry images would result. I can't exactly hold a camera *that* steady. So this
is the best ending to my picture page, a slight-of-hand that befits the movement of all the really cool things that I saw (and heard.)